How Small Group Tutoring Can Help Your Child

If your child is struggling in class and needs help with English and maths skills, small group tutoring can help them catch up, keep up and get ahead.

What is small-group tutoring?

Small group tutoring typically means a small student-to-teacher ratio, that is, a small number of students working with one teacher. It mimics the familiar dynamic of a classroom, but operates on a much smaller scale, allowing for one-on-one attention as well as time for independent learning.

Why do students need tutoring?

Unfortunately, many students fail to develop essential skills in English and maths.
A recent report by the Grattan Institute says, “Studies estimate that typically about 20% of students will need additional learning support, on top of universal classroom instruction, to develop foundational literacy and numeracy skills.”

What are the benefits of small-group tutoring?

· Small group tutoring offers a more personalised experience, increased attention and a learning programme individualised to a child’s learning needs. This approach includes the one-to-one support needed to achieve students’ learning goals, as well as time for the student to work independently on tasks and build confidence.

· Small group allows tutors to observe learning in action. The tutor can closely monitor individual progress, identify areas of improvement, and provide constructive feedback.

· Small group tutoring means students aren’t learning in isolation. Students actively participate in a group setting which builds confidence and a sense of belonging.

It’s no surprise that small group training is becoming a popular option in education to help students falling behind in essential English and maths skills.

In fact, a 2021 review of international evidence by Australian-based organisation Evidence for Learning showed small group tuition can boost student learning by as much as four months, on average, over the course of a year!

How does Kip McGrath small group tutoring work?

Kip McGrath has used this trusted method to successfully deliver foundational learning and has the track record to prove that this approach works. Over the past 45 years, Kip McGrath has helped millions of children catch up, keep up, and achieve their learning goals.

Kip McGrath programs are designed for success and are individually created for your child’s learning needs and their own style of learning.

Kip McGrath offers a free 40–60-minute ability assessment with a qualified teacher to identify your child’s learning gaps and then start them at the correct level.
Our weekly tutoring sessions run in small groups of up to five for approximately 60 minutes.

Students have the flexibility to receive their tuition either in a local centre or online via our purpose-built online tutoring platform. They may also receive a combination of both.

Weekly sessions are fun, and engaging and include a mix of computers, written work, short-burst activities, one-on-one time, and feedback. Importantly, they also include independent learning to build confidence and increase self-esteem.

One topic is covered per tuition session allowing for focus on the subject matter and students have the same teacher every lesson, which helps build a trusted relationship.

The tutor will set goals, and timeframes and keep parents updated with progress reports along the way.

“Small group tutoring at Kip McGrath has been an absolute Godsend for my daughter. With her tutor's unwavering support, she has gone from having severe anxiety and panic attacks regarding mathematics to an extremely happy and confident young lady who can now tackle any math equation that comes her way.”
Crystal Sargeant

Book a free learning assessment today.

If your child is struggling in class and needs help with English and maths, small group tutoring can help them catch up, keep up and get ahead.

If you'd like to book a free English and/or maths assessment for your child with a qualified teacher, please book an assessment.

The assessments take approximately 40 to 60 minutes and can be completed at any one of our Education Centres or be done online.

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