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Kip McGrath Worcester South

English and Maths Tutoring Qualified Teachers Personalised Learning Programmes Primary - Secondary
Kip McGrath Worcester South
Niki Brownlow and Hayley Farnell
4 Bath Rd, Worcester, WR5 3EJ, Worcestershire
01905 769956
About Kip McGrath Worcester South

At Kip McGrath Worcester South our qualified teachers tutor children aged 5-16 in all areas of Maths and English including SAT's preparation, 11+ and GCSE exam tutoring. We aim to help students develop in confidence whilst they work towards their goals.
We provide a positive learning environment for students to feel motivated and encouraged and give regular feedback to parents. We offer a FREE educational assessment which will tell our teachers exactly what level your child is working to and whether any gaps in learning have developed.

If you would like to book a FREE assessment please call Niki on 01905 769956 or 07983 231709. Alternatively click the link below to send us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Along with our tuition centre in Redditch, we are proud to be an approved NTP partner, aiming to close the gap in student attainment by offering quality assured, subsidised tuition sessions.

A copy of our Safeguarding policy is available upon request, and can be downloaded from our Facebook page.

If you would like information about the National Tutoring Programme, please refer to our information page here.

Kip McGrath Worcester South provides tuition:
Kip McGrath Memberships
Primary and Secondary Tuition
  • English
  • Maths
  • Reading
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Spelling
Tutoring Times
  • Monday
    4:00pm - 8:20pm
  • Tuesday
    4:00pm - 8:20pm
  • Wednesday
    4:00pm - 8:20pm
  • Thursday
    4:00pm - 8:20pm
  • Friday
    4:00pm - 8:20pm
  • Saturday
    4:00pm - 8:20pm
Got a question? Call us anytime.
Got a question? Call us on 01905 769956